Our robust features make it easy to hire the best of the best tech talent in the industry.
C, C++, PHP, Go, Java, C#, Python and more
React, Angular, TypeScript, HTML and more
Add your own questions with Custom Question generator for Backend and Frontend Languages and many other skill sets.
Simple to use coding playground for compiling different languages, be it front end or backend.
Accurate and Automated evaluation for Multiple choice (MCQs) and Coding questions.
Live track the positions and rankings of every ongoing assessment in a single dashboard.
Customize the tool’s appearance, screens, and functioning for enterprises as per the client’s requirements.
The candidate or the enterprise can get Live chat support anytime, and the examiner can access the candidate’s chat screen.
Effortlessly access the screen of any candidate in the ongoing interview.
Trace the candidates who plagiarize, leave or switch tabs and use any external inputs at the assessment time.
Zecode can be used either on cloud our in your own platforms as your own tool.
Revolutionize your hiring process and find top tech talent with Ze[code].