This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) explains how Ze[code] uses cookies and similar technologies on the Ze[code] platform. By using Ze[code], you agree to using cookies and similar technologies following this Policy.
Cookies are small text files placed on your device when visiting a website. They are commonly used to remember your preferences, analyze your behavior on the website, and provide targeted advertising.
[Company Name] uses both first-party cookies (cookies set by Ze[code]) and third-party cookies (cookies set by other websites or services) on Ze[code]. The types of cookies used on Ze[code] include:
You can control the use of cookies on Ze[code] by adjusting your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies or to be notified when a cookie is set. However, disabling cookies may limit your ability to use certain features of Ze[code].
[Company Name] may update this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our use of cookies or in applicable laws and regulations. Any such changes will be posted on Ze[code]. Your continued use of Ze[code] after any changes to this Policy constitutes your acceptance of the revised Policy.
If you have questions regarding this Policy or about the privacy practices of zecode, please contact us by email at or at:
Zecode pvt.
6th Floor, Block A, CYBER GATEWAY, Wing 1, HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081